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Amazing 2018 - A Grateful Heart

OMG ❤️

2018, has been incredible I just wanted to share some highlights. If I share everything l would need to write a book 🤔... The last eight months have been filled with a renewed love of Music, Heartfelt appreciation for my amazing Family and awesome Friends. Thank you, for your undying love and support. I adore you all !!! The HOLY SPIRIT touched my soul in May and he changed my life 🙃😊😁. He filled my soul with an unconditional love 😍 .... That I could not contain, it overflowed and I tried to share it with everyone I knew 😍🤗😜💯 (scary moments for some) lol. Some thought I needed a MRI 😂. And some showed me love return.❤️ Grateful for you! Then I spent approximately 2 weeks with a heartfelt sadness 😢 grieving 💔 my sister in heaven but, I gained PEACE ☮. I joined a church and I solidified my FAITH I found LOVE. ✝️ I got BAPTIZED and I found JOY💧Such an amazing time in my life.

For my birthday this year 🎁 I bought myself my first TATTOO. "✍️ 😁 ❤️ agape ❤️ " is now proudly displayed on my wrist (which means the highest LOVE in the bible). Yikes 😳... @$%^* I found PAIN 😳(loI) It hurt more than I thought 🤔. I started a new JOB, utilizing my passion of photography 📸 in churches across Tennessee and Kentucky. I found KINDRED SPIRITS. Ironically the company I work for's name is "LIFETOUCH".🤔.. I started writing ✍️ my feelings, that is something that is totally new to me. I found my HEART. I am calling them "HEARTFELTS" ❤️😢 I submitted two of my "Heartfelts" to the Upperroom in Nashville, for there monthly devotional magazine. Wish me luck, hoping they will choose one or both of them for the March issue. 😁 I am told the devotionals are interpreted into approximately 29 different languages and sent around the world. (spreading the 🤟🏼) I am volunteering when and where I can. I found GRATITUDE. My grandchildren talked us into adopting a rescue kitten his name is JOURNEY 😸 I found LAUGHTER. I have made some awesome new FRIENDS.👫 I found FUN. I have been getting reconnected with 🌳 Nature. I hiked 4 miles to and from Cummings Falls 💧in Cookeville TN. Beautiful views!! I found GODS ART 🌳🌳😍.

While in the operating room I had my doctor 👨‍⚕️cancel my hand surgery he said, "my hand seemed to be healed" 😁✝️🙏. I found GOD's MIRACLE. I went on a cruise 🚢 with 2 beautiful caring souls (mom and aunt) I found time for FAMILY. I danced in a conga line 💃 in Mexico.. Free shots lol 🍻 😂 I found FREEDOM to be me. Not holding back, living and loving life. If I want to go to a concert, event or somewhere and everyone busy. I go anyway... Always looking for new adventures, I call them field trips. I have been blessed 🕊and met some incredible new souls on my trips. 😊 This Christmas I visited Santa 🎅 I found the CHILD in me. 👶 I am now an official hugger, so don't stand too close 🤗 🙈 (hugs ). I found WELCOMING ARMS. 🤗 I try to share this AMAZING LOVE ❤️❤️ that my heavenly father has shared with me whenever the opportunity opens. I love it when the person I share him with response is so positive. It's an amazing feeling and blesses my soul. I found BLESSINGS. ELOHIM used MUSIC 😍 to open my heart and soul and now I see life in the WOW 😍😍😍. I found song LYRICS touch my soul.

Unfortunately, I did lose a friend that couldn't find it in her heart 💔 to stay. I found FORGIVENESS.😔 But, she does not know. I found PATIENCE. However, what I gained is amazing 😀😁. God is teaching me to LOVE like him. (a work in progress and a 2019 Goal) I found GRACE. ✝️ 😍 I am super excited to see how God wants my journey to continue to unfold in 2019 ... ❤️🎶 I pray that he continues to bless my life with love, thus enriching my relationships in 2019. (God, Family, Friends old and new and the ones to still to be discovered)

I value you and if you need help on how to live in the WOW 😍. Let me know, I found the KEY ✝️. (Actually he found me 😁)

Much love always,

Lori 😍

LESSONS I learned in 2018 - Love our father in heaven with all your heart and soul, adore your family and friends. Embrace life with no fear, RISK LOVE. Live life large and LOVE with all that you are!!!! ❤️ Life is short, grab all you can. Find your inner child. Value and cherish all relationships!! No one is disposable. Find that quality you love in a person and tell them you appreciate them. It's ok to be vulnerable it shows you are human.

Be Loving, kind, forgiving and grateful

and have patience.

😄 LIVE LIFE and LOVE in the WOW!! 🙃

Thank you for reading, wishing you and your families health, peace and his love in abundance in 2019. (HUGS)

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